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Woman with Bible
Welcome to St Aidan's Church Leeds

Sunday 28 July 2024

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Food banks in Leeds: The Harehills church offering help to 'everybody in need' without asking for referrals

Welcome to St Aidan's Church

Dear Friends

Thank you for visiting our website.


Please come to worship with us, to visit us, or to access some of the many activities and services which go on in our Church and Community Hall week in and week out.


We are very pleased to partner with and offer a base for the wonderful work of HELP, FoodCycle and PAFRAS, various sport and fitness groups, community and church meetings, and offer our Community Hall for casual bookings for family and community celebrations.


Our weekly FoodShare continues to reach a great number of the most vulnerable people of our local community each week. Thank you to all donors and volunteers – we could not do it without you!


Our doors are open on Saturdays between 10.30am and 12noon at St Aidan’s Church.  All in need of food are welcome.


Please pray for those who need us in order to access food, please pray for our volunteers and supporters - and consider yourself, whether there are ways in which you can support this vital ministry.


If you would like to volunteer or add your details to our email/postal circulation, please let us know by email or phone:


Mother Sally Tel: 07732 770172  Email: 

Parish Administrator - Mrs Pat Case Tel: 07754 450967 Email:,


Please be assured that you are held in our love and prayers over these days and weeks to come. Please look after yourselves and keep yourselves and your loved ones safe.


God bless you.

Home of the Brangwyn Mosaics, St Aidan's is a church where people of many different backgrounds, cultures and languages seek to live out the gospel of love and reconciliation by serving the local community, especially those living on the margins of society.


And at the heart of it all: the Mass with its rich liturgy and great gestures, its unconditional welcome and its grace-given compassion.  Celebrated on Sundays at 10.00am and also on several weekdays, it anchors us in the mystery of Christ's self-giving love, sets us on the path of life and calls our response in love and service​. 

All are welcome.

Contact us on Tel: 0775 445 0967

We are pleased to be asked to host services for you and your family at St Aidan’s Church as you journey through life, if you have a connection to our church or live within our parish.

Please contact us:


Tel: 0775 445 0967 in the first instance. 

God calls us to grow in knowledge and love of him every day of our lives.  Time spent in prayer, study and reflection are good opportunities to respond to this call.  

St Aidan's Community Hall is an easy accessible building situated immediately behind the church and is available for bookings.  Follow the link below for more information. 

Please contact us:


Tel: 0775 445 0967

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41.10

Tel: 0775 445 0967

St Aidan's Church

Elford Place West

Leeds LS8 5QD

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